welcome to
hi there! this website is a work in progress for the time being.
don't worry though! it'll be ready soon... just as soon as i learn how to use html properly. or i get someone else to do it.
for now though, here's some links to other places i'm (supposedly) active:
- my quite old youtube channel where i upload my music.
- my middle-aged tumblr blog where i ramble ab random stuff sometimes.
- my quite new bandcamp page which will probably become my main way of uploading music in future.
some friends of the site:
- the wonderful leah, who is kindly hosting this and many other sites and email addresses on pronounmail.
- my good friend hellomynameisjoe, whose music rules and whose site is way better than mine.
- the ever-rockin' teetow, out there making some of the tightest synth jazz fusion around.
- and of course, the purely fantastic amalia cosette, who, aside from bangin out some sick tunes, is immeasurably kind and patient. go and show her some love.
if you'd like, you can send me an enquiry via e-mail! (business or otherwise!)
alright, see ya later!
- sample.